The Objects of the Bank are:
1) To finance Co-operative Societies in the Ahmednagar District, affiliated to the Bank and generally to carry on banking business.
2) To participate in the share capital of primary credit and multipurpose or other co-operative societies registered under the Bombay Co-operative Societies Act. 1925 and /or the Maharashtra Co-operative Societies Act 1960 with the approval of Registrar, Co-operative Societies.
3) To arrange for supervision and inspection of Borrowing co-operative societies and to asses their credit.
4) To act as a balancing center for the surplus funds of the societies.
5) To assume responsibility for organizing the provision of agriculture credit in all parts of the area served by the Bank
6) To advance loans to agriculturists admitted as ordinary or nominal members upon personal security of movable or immovable property including crops or product for raising of crops and / or marketing of agriculture produce.
7) To advance loans to ordinary or nominal members and to co-operative societies or their members upon pledge of Government or Trustee Securities of Fixed Deposited Receipts, Cash Certificates of this Bank or agricultural and Industrial produce, agricultural implements belonging to agriculture and/ or fertilizers pledged or consigned to the Bank ot the Warehouse receipts issued by the Maharastra State Warehousing Corporation or by Central Warehousing Corporation or Warehouse receipts issued by the authoresses privately owned Warehouses subject to such rules as may framed by Board of Directors from time to time and approved by the Registrar and / or Reserve bank of India.
8)To finance the individual shareholders and nominal members of the Bank, to grant them overdraft limits, to sanction them discounting facilities and generally to carry on banking business as per directives of the Registrars and Reserve Bank of India from time to time.
9) To undertake liquidation work of affiliated societies indebted to Bank on conditions lad down by the Registrar with a view to facilitate recoveries from the affiliated societies, and to assume management of any affiliated society, the committee of which, is superceded under the co-Operative Societies Act and Rules.
10) To undertake any other business approved by the Registrants by general or special orders which would bring about better business and better methods of production amongst its members and along with them amongst non-member.
11) To purchase , sell , transfer, endorse or pledge Government Promissory Notes, Bonds , Securities , Municipal and Port Trust Bonds, Debentures for legitimate investments of the surplus funds of the Bank, or for its share holders or depositors without incurring any financial responsibilities incidental to such business.
12) To draw, make, accept, discount, buy sell, collect, endorse, and deal in Bills of Exchange, Hundies, Pronotes, Coupons, Drafts, Bills of Lading, Railway Receipts, Warrants, Debentures, Certificates, Scripts, and other instruments and securities, whether transferable or negotiable or not.
13) To establishment or to support or to aid in the establishment and support of funds, colleted for the benefits of the employee, provided rules regarding the contribution payable both by the Bank and its members and first approved by Registrar.
14) To open branches at suitable places for carrying out objects of the Bank.
15) To receive money on current, saving, fixed or other accounts and to raise funds for all or any of these purposes and generally to do all such acts as may be found necessary or suitable to fulfill the aforesaid objects.
16) To maintain a library of Co-operative Literature.
17) To do such other work as will be conductive or incidental or the above objects and generally to encourage and promote organization and development of co-operative societies within District.
18) To guarantee on behalf of Co-operative Societies registered under the said Act or any such Act in operation in the Indian Union, Letters of credit for import of machinery, implements, fertilizers and / or other requisites for import of which licenses are granted by the Government or to guarantee payments of money for purchase of machinery, implements, fertilizers and other requisites required by the Co-operative societies.
19) To organize publication of periodicals to propagate the cause of the co-operative movement in this District, in general and that of the Bank in particular, with the previous permission of the joint Registrar and subject to such terms and conditions as may be laid down while granting the permission. Rules governing the conduct of this activity should be framed and the maximum limit upto which expenditure for this purpose should be incurred may also be fixed by the Board with the approval of Joint Registrar.
20) To advance loans to members of the staff for purchase of motor car, motor cycles, cycles upto the amount not exceeding the price of the articles payable in such installments and subject to such rules and regulations as the Board of Directors may approve in this behalf.
21) To act as Bankers to the Zilla Parishad, Ahmednagar and provide financial accomodation to it on such security or without security, upto such limit and subject to such terms and conditions, as may be approved by the Registrar, Co-operative Societies, Maharashtra state, Poona.
22) To advance loans to members of the staff of the Bank for construction of dwelling house in Ahmednagar District only on such security, upto such limit, subject to such terms and conditions and under such rules, as may be framed by the Board of Directors from time to time and approved by the Registrar, Co-operative Societies, Maharashtra State, Poona.
23) To finance directly to individual artisans, craftsman and small entrepreneurs / units, proprietary concerns or partnership firm or companies or other corporate bodies for small, tiny, cottage industries etc. approved by the NABARD from time to time purpose and on such terms and conditions prescribed by it.
24) To guarantee payment of money on behalf of customers upon proper or adequate security and issue solvency certificate for the credit- worthy depositors / customers.
25) To undertake collection of energy bills of Maharashtra State Electricity Board subject to such terms and conditions as may be agreed amongst this Bank, Maharashtra state Co-operative Bank and Maharashtra State Electricity Board.
26) To let the Safe Deposit Lockers to the customers on such terms, conditions and rules as may be framed by the Board of Directors.
27) To make or participate in consortium arrangements with the Maharashtra state Co-operative Bank / other District Central Co-operative Banks in the State / other financial institutions.
28) To finance self help groups directly or through Primary agricultural Credit Societies.